Attracting the right audience

Building an audience for an investing app in the US is like selling ice cubes in a snow storm. Why choose this brand over all of the other more popular brands out there? For this, we needed a targeted approach, with a brand message that speaks to the right kind of people. Namely, those who felt that other investing apps don’t meet the needs of today’s world. Because today, it’s not just about dumping your money in a mutual fund. With rising inflation and economic volatility, you need to be more active and explore a diversity of assets, understand more about how the market works, and be a more engaged investor.

It starts here

We begin the 360 campaign this is the hero video, broadcast on connected TV, YouTube, and paid social channels. Here is where we lay out our main points about why eToro really is built for the modern investor.

This video was cut down to form two others used in retargeting.

Play-through rate was one of the highest we’ve seen in our campaigns.


Cleverly crafted reminders of the ad were scattered around Los Angeles. This one showing that in the timeline of investing history, we are at the forefront. The way the ad is constructed at first looks like a bus map.

Organic social posts dive deeper in the brand message. And paid ads reinforce it.